Tuesday, September 10, 2024

MMTCA September 2024 Newsletter


“Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”

― Marcus Aurelius


A warm and glorious September to you! Outside classes and practices are continuing to deliver pure joy! Not to mention eagles, hawks, bluejays, cardinals, etc.etc.etc.


Our schedule stays the same for September, we will be outside at Bohemian Flats, until October. Speaking of October, we will resume the monthly online pushing hands classes, and, we will be offering a book club, more like a verse/passage/paragraph club, lead by Rondi Atkin. We will explore and discuss readings from the Art of War, Tao Te Ching, Taiji Classics, and select Taiji books. Invites and more next month.

This month’s Paul Brennan translation is the Taiji Saber book by Fu Zhongwen. Master Liang relied heavily on the book, as well as his Wudang sword training, to teach us this short but amazing saber fencing set.



Speaking of books, it’s been a book year. I made a small contribution to my teacher Master BP Chan’s legacy book, my 40th Anniversary book should be out soon, and my Pushing Hands books is finishing a huge round of edits. Stay tuned!


John Myerson, Dr Leung Kay-chi, and myself 1980.

And more books! My dear friend, esteemed brother, and most excellent training partner, Master John Myerson has been writing for years about his experiences with healing, shamanism, martial arts, and life challenges. The founder of New England School of Acupuncture, Harvard Kung-Fu Club instructor, martial arts extraordinaire, John is the middle brother with myself as younger brother (my first Chinese name was Shao Di, little brother) and Paul Gallagher as elder brother. Check out John’s books:



9/9 marks the 4th anniversary of the launching of my Patreon page. I have lessons and posts planned to include beginning the Advanced Pushing Hands drills, Taiji Classics, and Bagua to name a few. I’m also expanding my horizons and am going to try my hand at Vlogging!


Thank you all for your support and attendance. 

(Shameless plug, go to the Renaissance Festival if you get a chance, tell the Feastmaster I sent you! https://renaissancefest.com/)


-Sifu Ray

“People are often surprised when I tell them the most important thing I learned in the CIA is situational awareness.”

-Jason Hanson


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894


email= skrayhayward@gmail.com


my Patreon page= patreon.com/rayhayward


 blog= rayhayward.com


website=  mindfulmotiontaichi.com


facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu= lulu.com/spotlight/Ray_Hayward


my books on Amazon= amazon.com/author/rayhayward


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts- https://www.zazzle.com/single_whip_chakra_tee-235016484610969225


My address,

5140 W. 102nd St


Bloomington, MN




#rayhayward#taiji#taichichuan#bagua#xingyi#sword#qigong#yichuan#wudangsword#chinna#standingmeditation#taoistmeditation#taoistlove#semenretention#masterttliang#wailunchoi#mindfulmotiontaichiacademy#rayhaywardtheinspiredteacher#inspiredteacher#rayhaywardblog#sanshou#prayingmantis#karambit# #pushinghands#fajing#imsak#rosslynchapel#druidry #lulubooksrayhaywardauthor #patreonrayhaywardtheinspiredteacher






















4th Anniversary at Patreon


September 9th is the Four Year Anniversary of the opening of my Patreon page. Paul Gallagher help me with the date, choosing an auspicious day and deity to help with my beginnings. It began as a way to stay connected, and be supported, after my school was closed due to the Covid19 lockdown, and the George Floyd riots. It was also a major learning curve and additional facet to my various teaching methods and modes. Now after four years, my page stands as a valuable addition and medium for sharing the arts we so dearly love and practice.

My current plans for the page are to begin offering advanced pushing hands drills and material, finish the Bagua 8 Palms, and share two Taiji Classics with some explanation and demonstration:

"To withdraw is to attack; to attack is to withdraw..."


"If you pay full attention to your spirit and ignore your breathing, your striking force will be as string as pure steel..."

I have filmed my Solo Form for both demo and instruction, and have started to share those already. I've also filmed my 37 Posture Short Form, and my 72 Movement Fast Form and they will be offered as well. And I'm exploring Vlogs and will share some short lessons and thoughts with you starting in October.

I want to thank you all for supporting my art and my teaching of the art.  To see you make a breakthrough, to see a lightbulb go on over your head, to get one of those questions from your deep dive into personal practice, to watch you fend off multiple pushes and attacks in Willow #3, all makes my heart soar! Again, thank you for your support and appreciation. I leave you with this line from the Taiji Classics:

"Carefully examine what the ultimate purpose is- the enhancement of longevity, rejuvenation, and immortality."

Friday, August 2, 2024

MMTCA August Newsletter 2024


“Wisdom, unlike enlightenment, is continuous.”

-Philip Carr-Gomm


It was 40 years ago that I moved from Massachusetts to Minnesota. I left around July 29th and got into Minnesota at the beginning of August. I have a 40th Anniversary book coming out soon, and I’ve begun filming and cataloging my solo form for instruction and legacy. Where did the time go? I feel like I’m just getting to know Minnesota and Minnesotans! There are a lot more memories and musings in my contributions to the 40th book. I’ll let you know ASAP when the book is ready.


The schedule stays the same for August, but we will meet Thursdays and Saturdays at Bohemian Flats starting August 15th. Tuesdays at St Sahag, and the church is always a rain backup. I have plans for the Fall schedule and will share those with you next month.


We are having a one day and one night camping retreat on September7/8. You don’t have to camp overnight; you can join us for the day Sunday. We have the group site and can accommodate 25 people! There is no fee, just that we split the cost of the site. Here is the itinerary:

Saturday Night- A talk on the five major styles of Taiji.

A look at our current lineage chart. (see below)

Taiji stories around the campfire.

Sunday -Morning practice, long luxurious glorious!

Updates and refinements on the 150 Long Form.


St. Croix State Park 

30065 St Croix Park Road 

Hinckley, MN  55037 


The park is located 15 miles east of Hinckley on State Highway 48, then 5 miles south on County Road 22. 

Group Camp - Site GC8
Stay: Sat 09/07/2024 - Sun 09/08/2024 (1 night)


Additional Info : 

  • All vehicles entering a state park must properly display a valid Minnesota State Park vehicle permit. Permits may be purchased at the park. 
  • Modern restroom and shower facilities are not provided for this group camp, vault toilets and drinking water are available. 
  • Up to 25 people may occupy this group camp. 
  • Check-in is 4:00pm, but may be available earlier. Check-out is 4:00pm. 
  • Consumption of intoxicating beverages in state parks is prohibited. 

I would like an RSVP by August 15th. Whether you are coming and camping, or just attending Sunday. Thank you Mark and Margo for putting this together.


Book suggestion= Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life by Jason Hanson



If you are not my patron, please consider supporting me on my Patreon page. If you are a patron, thank you for your support, please consider raising your pledge. I’m going to expand the page to include vlogs and blogs. Stay tuned! Thank you ALL!




Brennan Translation= https://brennantranslation.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/the-taiji-classics/


Pine Grove Open Space in Colorado 2024

Thank you to my tutors who subbed for me during my trip to Colorado. I only leave my classes in the hands of the best!


-Sifu Ray


“Technology changes all the time, humans hardly ever.”

-Ergeny Morozov


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894


email= skrayhayward@gmail.com


my Patreon page= patreon.com/rayhayward


 blog= rayhayward.com


website=  mindfulmotiontaichi.com


facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu= lulu.com/spotlight/Ray_Hayward


my books on Amazon= amazon.com/author/rayhayward


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts-        https://www.zazzle.com/single_whip_chakra_tee-235016484610969225


My address,

5140 W. 102nd St


Bloomington, MN




#rayhayward#taiji#taichichuan#bagua#xingyi#sword#qigong#yichuan#wudangsword#chinna#standingmeditation#taoistmeditation#taoistlove#semenretention#masterttliang#wailunchoi#mindfulmotiontaichiacademy#rayhaywardtheinspiredteacher#inspiredteacher#rayhaywardblog#sanshou#prayingmantis#karambit# #pushinghands#fajing#imsak#rosslynchapel#druidry #lulubooksrayhaywardauthor #patreonrayhaywardtheinspiredteacher