Tuesday, February 4, 2025

MMTCA Newsletter February 2025


“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

~Mark Twain


Happy New Year of the Wood Snake! If you are a Snake, don’t say no this year! We’ll be celebrating Chinese New Year on February 9th at 200PM at St Sahag. We will have our demo and altar ceremony at the church, then we have reservations for dinner at Peking Garden in St Paul. We'll be streaming this live on zoom as well. Please RSVP to Julie.

 Starting February 12th, we’ll be moving into new classes and topics. Xingyi and Bagua are going back to basics, and Taiji, well, full steam ahead! Some things we’ll be working on:


 Willow# 4, Taiji Sword, Sanshou, 5 Advanced Drills, Wudang 13 basic Techniques, and Double Saber.


Sam Tai/ San Ti, 5 Fists, Lightning Hands, Change Form, and Spear.


Circle Walk, Single/Double Palms, Sensitivities, 8 Qinna, 8 Knockdowns, 8 Dim Mak Points, Bagua Sword, and Swimming Dragon.


My Pushing Hands book is in the very last edits. I’m scheduling another photo shoot, and then my magnum opus will be complete!


NO CLASSES Saturday, February 22nd! The new pastor, Father Serop, will be ordained as the new parish priest. You are all welcome! I’ll be there to show support to our Taiji home. Let me know if you are attending and I’ll give you the full details.


Our very own Margo Zi Yan is launching her Patreon Page on March 1st. Check it out and subscribe, and support!

Nature of Taiji for Kids+   patreon.com/PurpleSwallowArts

Also, check out,

Web page:





Thank you for the great feedback and comments on my 40th Anniversary book. Julie and Margo did an awesome job! If you would, please write a review on the Lulu page. Thank you!



This month’s book suggestion is one I’ve talked about for decades. Parts of this book have been available for years, and Paul Brennan has done an excellent job translating the whole work. Now you can get this book, the Bible of Taiji, bound in a huge, complete translation. Master Choi called it the best book on Taiji because it showed the correct training sequence from standing, to qigong, to single movement training, to forms, sensitivity, weapons and so much more! Plus, Classics, training poems, and an extensive look at the energies we work with in Taiji. I can’t recommend this book enough.

Yang Family Taijiquan, barehand, sword, saber, pole, and sparring compilation. By Chen Yanlin, translated by Chen Faxing.



 It is with great sadness and a heavy heart, that I inform you of the death of our classmate, Dan Johnson. He was not only a talented martial artist, but an extremely spiritually gifted person as well. Condolences to his family, especially Yee and Brendan. Here is a GoFundMe account to help cover funeral costs:


Alas my brother, you passed out the West Gate. We'll meet again to train, and laugh, and catch up....

Let me know if you or anyone you know is looking for beginner Taiji classes. I will publish an even bigger list of teachers in next month’s newsletter.


Thank you for the birthday cards, presents, surprise party, and kind words, I am blessed!

-Sifu Ray


“Fast is fine but accuracy is final. You must learn to be slow in a hurry.”

~Wyatt Earp

Grandmaster Wu Jianquan, Taiji Sword. ( I'm obsessed with these old sword pics!)



Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894


email= skrayhayward@gmail.com


my Patreon page= patreon.com/rayhayward


 blog= rayhayward.com


website=  mindfulmotiontaichi.com


facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu= lulu.com/spotlight/Ray_Hayward


my books on Amazon= amazon.com/author/rayhayward


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts-        https://www.zazzle.com/single_whip_chakra_tee-235016484610969225


My address,

5140 W. 102nd St


Bloomington, MN


















Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Two New Books

"The latest book by my big brother, John Myerson, reflects on decades of Zen practices and training, John also writes about martial arts, acupuncture, and shamanic healing, all done at the highest levels. I had known about John's journey and practices, but this new book really took me deeper into just how life changing and life defining they were, and are, for him. As a reader, we can follow John (At a safe distance!) into the lessons and insights from a life of practice and exploration."
-Ray Hayward


"First of all I want to be clear that I have never done a book review prior to this, and my reading of Sifu Hayward's book came with no prior expectations. As I began reading I was immediately taken by the number of students and friends who had been fortunate enough to find Ray and be impacted by his teachings and his deep, calm, positive spirit. This is definitely a book paying homage, showing both love and respect for what Ray has given of himself to so many over the past 40 plus years. There are pearls of wisdom throughout the many short compositions written by his students that tell the story of what Ray has given. The last quarter of the book gave a nice surprise "taste" of Sifu's upcoming book on push hands which I am looking forward to reading soon!"

    Steve Wyle


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

MMTCA January Newsletter 2025


Wu Jianquan, grandmaster of Wu Style Taiji Quan. Possibly the earliest photo of a grandmaster performing Taiji Sword.


“It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.”

~Bilbo Baggins


Happy New Year! More like Happy Epiphany! I wish you a happy and healthy 2025 filled with wonder, magic, learning, love, health, awe, and lots of Taiji!

 Chinese New Year is on January 27th this year. We are entering into the year of the Wood Snake, full of wisdom and power! We will be celebrating in early February. More details to come.

Classes and curriculum will remain the same until after our CNY celebration, then I’ll have some new studies including Willow #4, Wudang 13 basic sword techniques, more Sanshou, Bagua Sensitivities, and Xingyi two-person forms and training just to mention a few upcoming classes.

Book suggestion (an easy one!) =



Thank you, Margo and Julie, for bringing this collection to life! And I bow to all the contributors and helpers. Namaste!

I received a few requests for beginner classes. I’m not ready to open up any classes to new students, the progress I saw last year was amazing, so I’ll keep focusing on the current students and studies. I can refer to you a few people who I trust to teach beginners:

Julie Cisler- Minneapolis

John Stitely- St Paul

John Feely- Stillwater

Mike Cain- Rochester

Wanda Koehler- Northfield


Paul Brennan Translation= An amazing collection of quotes, lessons, and training ideas from some of the very best Taiji, Xingyi, and Bagua masters of the last century, and before! This is a MUST READ!



I am beginning this year full of hope, health, and gratitude. I am hopeful to teach and share the highest level of information I’ve ever taught, experiencing the best health in my own body-mind-spirit, and living full of gratitude to those who come to learn, practice, and share these amazing arts and practices.

 -Sifu Ray


“If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”

~ Brene Brown


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894


email= skrayhayward@gmail.com


my Patreon page= patreon.com/rayhayward


 blog= rayhayward.com


website=  mindfulmotiontaichi.com


facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu= lulu.com/spotlight/Ray_Hayward


my books on Amazon= amazon.com/author/rayhayward


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts-        https://www.zazzle.com/single_whip_chakra_tee-235016484610969225


My address,

5140 W. 102nd St


Bloomington, MN



