Thursday, February 29, 2024

MMTCA Newsletter March 2024


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.”

-Carl Jung

Spring arrives this month, although we’ve been tasting it for quite some time…

Our schedule stays the same with one upcoming change. In April, I will discontinue the beginner’s class and assimilate the new folks into the regular classes. If you are a beginner, talk to me about details and options. Monthly zoom Pushing Hands will be on March 11th. The monthly check in and discussion will be March 25th.

Our Chinese New Year celebration demo and festivities were a great time and a wonderful success! The audience was bigger than I expected, and lunch was a fun social time. I’ll be editing some of the footage and will post a highlights reel, and some photos as well. Thank you to all the demonstrators and helpers, and to Julie Cisler for MCing and coordinating. And for the program!

Book suggestion= The Wedge by Scott Carney

After the demo, I was asked for recommendations for swords and crescent knives. Here are a few:

Taiji Swords-

Bagua Crescent Knives/Deer Horn Knives-

Paul Brennan Translations-

Thank you all for your help and support. In-person classes, with additional zoom and hybrid options, plus classes “from the road,” encourage me to be able to share this amazing art in so many ways and mediums. 

I think we’ll be taking classes outside early this year…

 -Sifu Ray

Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.”

- Wendell Berry


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


my Patreon page=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts-


My address,

2715 Nathan Lane N

Plymouth, MN 55441


#rayhayward#taiji#taichichuan#bagua#xingyi#sword#qigong#yichuan#wudangsword#chinna#standingmeditation#taoistmeditation#taoistlove#semenretention#masterttliang#wailunchoi#mindfulmotiontaichiacademy#rayhaywardtheinspiredteacher#inspiredteacher#rayhaywardblog#sanshou#prayingmantis#karambit# #pushinghands#fajing#imsak#rosslynchapel#druidry #lulubooksrayhaywardauthor #patreonrayhaywardtheinspiredteacher


Twin Willows T'ai Chi will be hosting a retreat in in June of 2024 at Pinebrook Retreat Center in East Stroudsburg, PA.  Lodging, meals, and instruction in a beautiful scenic area for just $500.  The retreat will be in the spirit of the Deer Mountain and Warm Springs retreats.  The agenda and additional information below and in the attachment.  Space is limited and there are only a few spots left.  Please contact me soon to reserve your spot.




T’ai Chi Retreat with Ray Hayward

June 20, 21, 22, and 23 – 2024


Thursday, June 20th 5:00PM On

Room Selection, Introductions, and Orientation

We will be lodging with 3 people in a room.  Pick your roommates and your room, and then gather in the Echo 3 Hall for Introductions and orientation.


Friday, June 21st 8:00AM-10:00AM

TCC Workout

Each morning will start with a complete workout.  We will do warm-ups, meditation, forms, and weapons.


Friday, June 21st 10:30AM-12:30PM

Praying Mantis Sticking Hands

Learn Praying Mantis two-person drills (similar to the Hsing-I two-person).  Learn to incorporate Sensitivity, Sticking, and Technique.


Friday, June 21st 2:30PM-4:30PM

Pa Kua Sword – Part I

Learn the straight sword form of the Pa Kua system performed on the circle.


Friday, June 21st 6:30PM On

T'ai Chi/Liang Lineage

Learn the origin of T’ai Chi and the Yang Family Lineage with specific emphasis on Master T.T. Liang’s teachers.  Learn from where and from whom all the forms we do come.


Saturday, June 22nd 8:00AM-10:00AM

TCC Workout

Warm-ups, meditation, forms, and weapons.


Saturday, June 22nd 10:30AM-12:30PM

Advance T’ai Chi Two-Person Drills and Training

Learn advanced Pushing Hands drills and practices beyond the basic 13 drills.


Saturday, June 22nd 2:30PM-4:30PM

Pa Kua Sword – Part II

Continue learning the straight sword form of the Pa Kua system performed on the circle.


Saturday, June 22nd 6:30PM On

Video Night

Watch video of Cheng Man-Ch’ing, T. T. Liang, Wai Lun Choi, Paul Gallagher, Ray Hayward and many others doing T’ai Chi, Pa Kua, Hsing-I, Liu Ho Pa Fa, Praying Mantis, and much more; with commentary by Ray and Bryan.


Sunday, June 23rd 8:00AM-10:00AM

TCC Workout

Warm-ups, meditation, forms, and weapons.


Sunday, June 23rd 10:30AM-12:30PM

Pa Kua Sword – Part III

Continue learning the straight sword form of the Pa Kua system performed on the circle.


Sunday, June 23rd 2:30AM-4:30PM


This session will be discussed at the retreat.  It is available if people want to stay and continue to study and practice.





$500 (includes Lodging, Meals, and Training) / $100 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit due immediately to reserve spot.  Limited availability.

Preferred payment method – Venmo (ID - @BryanDavis28) or PayPal (ID -

Cash or checks accepted, make checks payable to Bryan Davis.

Email to confirm your attendance.




5339 Pinebrook Road East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Pinebrook Bible Conference & Retreat in East Stroudsburg, PA