Friday, April 29, 2022

MMTCA May Newsletter 2022

 "A genius is the person who can do the average thing when everyone else around them is losing their mind."

-Napoleon Bonaparte

Happy May! May Day! Blessed Beltane! I hope this month finds you happy, healthy, and outdoors.

Our schedule will remain the same until the weather stabilizes, then we will go out. I'll keep you posted. For now we will keep classes on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, plus the zoom class on Wednesdays. The curriculum is as follows:

Tuesdays- Solo Form, Pushing-Hands, Double Saber, Weapons Review, Ba Gua Zhang 64 Mother Palms

Wednesdays-150 Posture Long Form on zoom

Fridays- Solo Form, Applications, Self-Defense, Sword, Spear

Saturdays (inside)- Pushing-Hands

Saturdays (outside)- Solo Form, Pushing-Hands, Weapons Review, Intro Shao-Lin Saber

Book Suggestion= Estrogeneration by Anthony G. Jay Ph.D

I've moved, so please send any correspondences to my P.O. Box please. I look forward to practicing and teaching outside with you all.


"Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious."

-Thomas Edison

Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


my Patreon page=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128

Sunday, April 10, 2022

MMTCA April Newsletter 2022

To-Di ceremony in Taiwan

 "Our great danger in this life is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed."

-Rollo Tomassi

April showers brings April snow! Sometimes, here in Minnesota.

Thank you to my subs for covering classes while I was out East. Thank you Fred, Julie, Matt B, and John S!!!

I taught two seminars in Delaware, one with Simu Diane Cannon with Ming Tao Tai-Chi, and one with Sifu Bryan Davis with Twin Willows Tai-Chi. It was so much fun and we covered a LOT of material.

I'm looking at the sky and as soon as the weather is a little more predictable, we'll move classes outside and I'll expand the curriculum. I'm also retaining the churches as bad weather alternatives for now. More info coming.

I reached 500 subscribers on YouTube! Thank you to all who subscribed! If you haven't yet, please subscribe.

Also check out my Patreon page. Lots of information and lessons are available there. You can also support me and my art by joining.

Book Suggestion= Drawing Silk by Master Paul Gallagher ( a must read for my students!)

World Tai-Chi Day is April 30th. I'll be doing Tai-Chi with class and on my own. If you do Tai-Chi that day take a picture and send it to me please!

Thank you all and keep practicing!

-Sifu Ray

I'm moving this month so send any correspondences to my PO Box for now please.

Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


my Patreon page=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128