Monday, September 19, 2022

MMTCA October Newsletter 2022

Yang Shao-hou

“Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

-Author Unknown


October/Rocktober! What an amazing month to be alive! Get outside and see the beauty of Autumn.


Saturday, October 1st will begin our fall schedule. All classes will be indoors at St Sahag. Here is the new schedule:

Tuesday 6-8PM = Solo Form, Applications, Push-Hands, Weapons and review, 5 Element Linking Form, Pa-Kua Sword

Wednesday 630-730 = zoom

Thursday 6-8PM = Solo Form, Applications, Push-Hands, Taiji Saber, 8 Inner Palms

Saturday 9-1030AM = Solo Form, Applications, Push-Hands, Taiji Saber


If you are feeling safe and want to return to in-person classes, now is the time! You can message me or call if you have any questions.


St Sahag Dance Studio, our current home.

I’m adding two zoom Pushing-Hands classes in October and November. The dates for October are the 10th and the 24th, 630-730PM. I will also be experimenting with these classes and try to find the best times and days for the most people. Even if these don’t work for you in October, please weigh in on what days and times are best for you.

Book suggestion= Chen Wei-ming’s Compendium on Taiji Sword translated by Bradford Tyrey


I am conducting private lessons and personal coaching both in person, and on zoom. Email, text, or call me for an appointment.

Check out my podcasts, lessons, and historical videos on my YouTube Channel:

Thank you again for your support and appreciation. Come back to class, relax and sink, and let’s make this an incredible Fall exploring all the benefits and mysteries of Taiji.


-Sifu Ray


“What can we do but keep on breathing in and out, modest and willing, and in our places?”

-Mary Oliver


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


my Patreon page=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128





Friday, September 2, 2022

MMTCA Newsletter September 2022

A young Yang Cheng-fu, Golden Rooster.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

-attributed to Albert Einstein

We’ve had an amazing Summer, and there is still some left! Get out and enjoy while you can and do a round or the sword in the fresh air.

The schedule will remain the same except the Thursday and Saturday classes will be held at the Bohemian Flats Park. Tuesdays will still be at St Sahag’s. In October we will go inside with a new schedule.

Speaking of October, next month will be a great time for former students to return to class. I’ll post the schedule in next month’s newsletter.

We had a lovely one-day retreat at Karen’s house. The weather was perfect, the balance of lessons and free time, not to mention the food, made it a great day. Highlights are on my Patreon page. Next year we will do a three-day retreat in Bayfield. Stay tuned!

Book suggestion- Fast This Way by Dave Asprey

Check out my podcasts, lessons, and historical movies on my YouTube Channel. Please subscribe, watch, and like!!

Thank you to my substitute teachers, you gave excellent classes and helped me with my travels! I bow from the waist…

In October I’ll be adding two zoom classes a month devoted to pushing-hands, sensitivity, and partner work. You’ll need a partner, although feel free to observe, and the zoom invite. Email me for more info.

My teacher Dr. Leung Kay-chi passed away last month. R.I.P. Here is a link for my blog:

I’ll be teaching seminars in Delaware and Massachusetts this Fall, contact me if you want more information or want to attend.

Come to class!

-Sifu Ray

“It was a beautiful bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.” – Diana Gabaldon

Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


my Patreon page=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128
