Friday, August 31, 2018

My teacher, Dr. Leung Kay-chi, master of many styles.

                     At T.T. Liang's studio in Boston with Master Leung Kay-chi, 1979
On September 4th, my teacher, Dr. Leung Kay-chi turns 80! Times files! I remember him when he was a spry 41 year old amazing kung-fu master. Here is a short story of how I met Dr. Leung.

I was learning Tai-Chi from Master T.T. Liang in Boston. Many times he told me I should learn Hsing-Yi and Pa- Kua. I asked him to teach me. He said had had forgotten, but that he would find a teacher for me. A few weeks later Master Liang said he arranged some private lessons with a teacher, Master B.P. Chan, who was teaching at Master Liang's classmate, Master William C.C. Chen's school. I went down and took four hours of private classes and received my first introduction into these two internal martial arts. When I was making arrangements to go for more lessons, Master Liang said he had a surprise for me. Not only was I to study with Master Chan's teacher, but my lessons would be right in Boston!

              My first Hsing-Yi and Pa-Kua teacher, Master B.P. Chan, in New York, 1979.

Master Liang told me that his Shao-Lin teacher, Master Han Chin-tang's son in law,who was B.P. Chan's teacher, was coming to visit Liang in Boston to pay respects. Liang had arranged for me to study Hsing-Yi and Pa-Kua from his friend, Dr. Leung Kay-chi!

When I met Dr Leung ( Liang Chi-tze in Mandarin), he was a trim, gym-teacher looking, martial arts teacher who was the personal body-guard of the president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos. He was in the United States visiting family and friends, and some students like Master B.P. Chan. I saw Leung demo Hsing-Yi for Master Liang, and then Liang had me demo Tai-Chi Sword and Saber. They talked in Chinese, laughed at me, and at the end set the time for my classes.
  Dr. Leung teaching P'i-Ch'uan of Hsing-Yi at New England School of Acupuncture, 1979.

At the basketball courts in Fenway, I learned the Splitting Fist/P"i-Ch'uan element of Hsing-Yi and began the first set of 8 Palm Changes, lien huan chang. Dr. Leung demonstrated two complete sets of changes on the circle in the middle of the court. I was hooked! I arranged for more classes and got some of my classmates involved. We learned all 5 Elements and a set of 8 Palm changes before he returned to the Philippines. Dr. Leung was staying with relatives in New York, and I traveled there to learn from him as well.

                                                         Dr. Leung in New York,1979.

Dr.Leung came back again for a visit the next year, and I arranged seminars, workshops, and many private classes for him. I got to learn a 2nd set of Pa-Kua Palm changes and began exploring Chen Style Tai-Chi, Northern Shao-Lin, ch'in-na, and weapons. I even got an introduction to the 9 Section Chain Whip.

                             Chen Style Tai-Chi in the Rose Gardens in the Fenway, 1982.

In 1981 two big changes happened to my martial arts training. First, Master T.T. Liang announced he was retiring and moving to Minnesota, and second, he told me that Leung Kay-chi told him he wanted to immigrate to the U.S. and could I help. I stayed in Boston and hired an immigration lawyer, became a "business" that needed the best kung-fu teacher in the world, and the rest is history!

When Dr. Leung  moved to the U.S. he came first and then his wife, Han Lin-lin, the daughter of the famous Han Chin-tang, and his two young daughters came later. I would travel to New York City with the Leung's on family visits, Lung-Chun Sword shopping expeditions, as well as dim sum and great Chinese food outings. I demonstrated with Dr Leung at Harvard, MIT, and many other locations around metro Boston. I also drove and assisted at seminars in Western Massachusetts at JR Roy's Martial Arts Academy in Greenfield.

                      Dr. Leung demonstrating Plum Flower Spear at Harvard University 1982.

                        Me as chin-na opponenet with Dr. Leung at MIT 1983.

One time Dr.Leung's teacher, Grandmaster Liu Yun-Ch'iao visited Boston and we got meet him and go to a banquet. Master Liu was the personal body guard of Chang Ching-kuo, the president of Taiwan. I got to meet with him privately and ask him questions. He told me, "Leung Shifu says you practice really hard." In those days I sure did!

                           Mrs. Liu, Grandmaster Liu, Dr. Leung, and me in 1982.

                          Grandmaster Liu with "The General," Dr. Leung's nickname for me.

I learned a lot from Dr. Leung Kay-chi. Here is a short list:

Chen Style Tai-Chi
Tai-Chi Sword
8 Linking Palms
8 Yin Fu Palms
5 Elements
Mai-Bu Ch'uan
San Lu Pao- Chui
Tan Tui
Lien Bu Ch;uan
Gung Li Ch'uan
Sze Lu Beng Da
General Yang Spear
Pa-Kua Saber
Tang-Lang Shou
Shih Tse Tan
Lo Han Shih Ba Shou
Monkey Staff Sing Jia Beng
Just to name a few! Dr. Leung studied with many famous masters. Here is another short list:
Han Chin-tang
Liu Yun-chiao
Chang Hsiang-san
Wei Shao-tang
Tu I-jai
Chao Lien-feng
Wang Shan-ting
Shang Tung-sheng

 Practicing Shao-lin stances I learned from Leung Kay-chi in the Fenway where Leung taught outside classes, 1983.

I also drank gallons of tea with Dr. Leung, talked about Chinese history, Outlaws of the Marsh, martial arts, Three Kingdoms, Lin Chong,and Chinese medicine. Some of my fondest memories are riding the subway to Chinatown on Saturdays after class, sipping coffee on the train with Dr. Leung, to go eat mountains of Chinese food!

                      HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY to my teacher, Dr. Leung Kay-chi!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

MMTCA September Newsletter 2018

“I am the sojourner destined to walk a thousand years until I arrive at myself.”
- Hymn to Osiris

Thank you to my substitute teachers, Rondi, Julie, Fred, Margo, and John for covering my classes while I hiked in the Rockies, Continental Divide, and the Black Hills. I had a refreshing and ch'i-full vacation and now I'm looking forward to the Fall classes.

Another shameless plug for the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, huzzah!

Our Fall schedule begins on September 15th. Please check the attached schedule for times and classes, there are a few minor changes. Here are some updates on a few of the classes.
-For the Women's and Men's Pushing-Hands classes, I will be reviewing the 10 basic drills for the first five weeks of the new schedule, this will be an excellent time to join these classes, or return to these classes.
-The Saturday Weapons class 10-11AM will be I'll be teaching the Tai-Chi Cane or short stick. All may attend this class. We will also review Tai-Chi Sword and Wu-Dang fencing at the end of these classes.
-Tuesdays from 7-8PM the 12 Animals class will also cover the 5 Elements of Hsing-YI. I always wanted to teach a class combining these two styles, and the animals have many that have strong Hsing-Yi influence. All may attend this class.
-Wednesday Pa-Kua class, 7-8PM, will work on two person practices, Deer Horn Knives, and either the Swimming Dragon or 64 Mother Palms.
-The Disciple's Practice will have an interesting and challenging monthly schedule! The first Tuesday will be forms review plus learn a new form. The second Tuesday will be partner-work and two-person forms, and more karambit. The third Tuesday will be Pushing-Hands. The fourth Tuesday will be Qi-Gong, Yi-Quan, Taoist Meditation, and an intro to the breath-work of Wim Hof and Stig Severinson.

"The external basis of this tariqa (path) is the breath."
-Shah Bahauddin Naqshband

FYI my Shao-lin teacher, Dr. Leung Kay-chi turns 80 on the 4th of September!

Book suggestion- A Wizard of the Upper Amazon by Bruce Lamb

We will be closed Monday September 3rd for Labor Day

I have plans to travel and teach out East this Fall, and another visit from Master Choi, as well as diving into more book projects. I will have more videos on the website and more teaching blogs. If you have any requests for classes, seminars, or styles, please let me know.

With gratitude,

“Prairie Dog medicine teaches that strength and inspiration can be found by retreating into the stillness that quiets the mind. The strength of of this medicine is knowing when and how to replenish your life force.”
-Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson

My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
My books: