Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Schedule

Beginning January 2017, we will have a new and expanded schedule. In addition to the current classes, I will be adding some Sword classes and some Intro Tai-Chi classes as well. I also have two dates for you:

January 14th-  Poetry Slam and Contest
 February 4th- Chinese New Year Demo and Celebration

If you have any questions about the schedule or classes, or class suggestions, please give me you ideas and feedback.

Class descriptions

Intro to Tai-Chi. This is an 8 week course designed to introduce the concepts and principles of Tai-Chi, namely alignment, relaxation, breath, and mindfulness, as well as whole body movement. This class is perfect for those who want to “try out” Tai-Chi, or those who want a general preparation before moving on to on-going classes. Class includes Taoist Warm-ups, Standing Mindfulness, Qi-Gong/breath-work, single postures and an intro to the Tai-Chi Form.

Tai-Chi classes are for beginners and all Solo Form students. Classes include Taoist Warm-ups, Standing Meditation, Qi-Gong, Single Tai-Chi movement training, and the famous Tai-Chi Solo Form. Theory, principles, training ideas, and much more will be included in these classes. Ideal for new students to get started! Join these on-going classes anytime.

Pushing-Hands class is for those who have finished the Solo Form and want to explore the partner aspects and training of the Tai-Chi system. Yielding, controlling, Long and Short power as well as Basic Drills, Methods, Ta-Lu, and many various training methods will be taught and explored. Completion of Solo Form is the prerequisite.

San-Shou is the Two Person Tai-Chi Form from the Yang Family. This form teaches applications for the Solo Form, Pushing Hands theory and principles, Lines, Sticking, and a whole host of skills. Prerequisite is completion of the Solo Form.

Forms Review and Practice is a time where we will be reviewing and practicing many different Tai-Chi forms and weapons. Come and practice the forms you have learned, left and right sides!! Also a chance to practice and review various two person forms.

Hsing-Yi is an Internal Martial Art based on the Five Elements. This class includes the Sam-Tai/San-T'i Standing meditation, Five Fists and their applications, the Five Element Linking Form, Chase Hands, and the Hsing-Yi Kwan Do. Join anytime.

Pa-Kua is an Internal Martial Art based on the 8 Trigrams. Standing Meditation, Circle walking, Two Person Pa-Kua form, Bridge-Hands, and the 64 Original Mother Palms form are included in this class. Join anytime.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New classes in the New Year

Here is one of the new classes I am offering in the new year. A class devoted to brand new students, focusing on the basics, principles, training methods, and the sequence up to the 8th posture. This class will give an introduction to the amazing art of Tai-Chi, and prepare students for ongoing classes and further study. A complete schedule, with monthly happenings including Chinese New Year details,  will follow. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy December Newsletter 2016

December MMTCA Newsletter 2016

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax."
Mark Black

Greetings friends, family, and students of Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy! Classes have solidified, the gorgeous space is working out amazingly well, and I am ready to write!!

A quick update. After resigning from TCTCCS my future was vague and unclear. I knew I still wanted to teach and share Tai-Chi and that I had many people who were eager to continue. At first, I just wanted to sub-let a few nights a week, but then the Academy fell into my lap! I am so glad! Once I had the time and space, my vision for future teaching and sharing became crystal clear. I will be offering many new classes and times starting Jan 1st, 2017!

Besides additional classes, plans for 2017 include an in-house one-day Tai-Chi Retreat, Chinese New Year Demo and Banquet, a seminar with Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi, a 2 day “Tai-Chi North” retreat on the North Shore, hosting a Modern Arnis workshop with Master J. Richard Roy, and a celebration of my 40th year practicing Tai-Chi. In the January Newsletter, I will post dates for most of these events.

I am happy to announce the first Solo Form graduate in our new academy, Stephen Peterson. Our first 1st section grad Di Goodwin, and a group is rounding the corner on the 2nd section as well.

Four long time students passed through a formal ceremony to become 7th generation Disciples and lineage holders:

Karen Barton
Julie Cisler
Dan Polsfuss
Fred Sparks

I am so proud of them! Master Liang's dream of having Tai-Chi be accessible to the world is becoming a reality!

I have been to Western Massachusetts to conduct a weekend seminar and as I write this, I will be traveling to Delaware for another workshop spreading Master Liang's teachings and system.

A new website is in the works, but for now, check my blog for articles and updates. The new schedule for next year will be sent out shortly.

Let me clear up any questions about tuition. My idea about class blocks was confusing. Here is the simple breakdown beginning Jan 1st:

6 classes a week, 100.00 a month
8 classes a week, 125.00 a month
10 or more classes a week, 150.00 a month

Private classes sliding scale 75.00-125.00 an hour

Any questions, concerns, or hardships, please talk to me.

Thank you to all who have helped me in ways big and small to make our school so vibrant and successful in such a short time. Each and every one of you is dear to my heart. I enjoy being on our beautiful floor together making “moving art” with you. Thank you!!

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”—Lao Tzu

Wishing you the best of this holiday season,




My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (

Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Disciple's Initiation 2016

Friday, November 11th was a special day for me. It marked the 28th anniversary of my passing through a formal ceremony to become a disciple of Master T.T. Liang. That was one of the best days of my life, and confirmed my vocation and life-mission.

11/11/2016 was also special to me, and four students, who passed through a formal ceremony to become 7th generation Tai-Chi disciples. Using a combination of the Confucian ceremony that Master Liang used, the elaborate Shao-Lin ceremony Master Mark used, and with insights and information from many teachers, I performed the ceremony to initiated four, long-time, dedicated students.

Julie Cisler

Frederick Sparks

Karen Barton

Daniel Polsfuss

I am so proud of these accomplished practitioners. It is an honor to teach, train, and practice with such dedicated people. They inspire me and my practice.

With four ceremonial witness' and over twenty family and friends, a milestone was reached, and a rite of passage performed. Gifts and congratulations followed,and after signing the disciple banner,a small group went to Keegen's for food and fellowship.

My personal mission is to preserve and pass on the important traditions within the art of Tai-Chi, while keeping my heart and mind open to innovations and evolution from the many generations that have passed this amazing art to the present. I seek to strike a balance between traditional and contemporary learning and teaching methods.

"Take what is good, disguard what is bad."
-Master T.T. Liang

Friday, November 11, 2016

My Books About My Teachers

I have been most fortunate in the teachers I have had and continue to have. As my cup runneth over, and my notebooks, I shared the amazing wisdom and knowledge in the form of books. I am currently working on my own books, but for now I'd like to remind you of the lore and experience available.Most are out of print for now, but I am working on getting them re-published.

Monday, October 24, 2016

5 Keys to Mastery

Master Liang's 5 Keys to Tai-Chi Success

When I was learning Tai-Chi from Master T.T. Liang, he always used a variety of teaching techniques and tools to communicate this amazing art. One that he used he called the 5 Keys to Mastery. Each key helped with a particular facet of each posture. In time, I was able to apply the 5 Keys to whole forms and, eventually, complete systems. The 5 Keys are:

The Posture
The Name
The Application
The Breath
The “Left” Side

I'll give a brief explanation of each and if you apply them, you will be amazed at how easy it brings your learning, practicing, and teaching into focus and direction.

1. The Posture.

When learning a posture, or movement, Master Liang had some breakdowns which he taught.

The Stance, which one was used.
The Direction, of the movement, eyes, application, navel, etc.
The Counts, how many parts or pieces to a posture.
Heights of hands, like heart height or chin height.
Measurements, of stances, shoulder width or not, hands, arms, and size of circles.
Hand position, whether it was a Lady’s Hand, fist, hook, etc.
Steps, transitions, shifts, etc.

Book suggestion- Tai-Chi Chuan It's Effects and Practical Applications by Yearning K. Chen

2. The Name.

The names can help with teaching and learning. We can quickly identify what posture we are working on. Otherwise we are reduced to “Let's work on this one. You mean that one? No, the other one.” The Names cover a variety of meanings and lessons, and also include a deep and rich history of Chinese culture. The names can mean, describe, or teach:

External Motion/Action, like “Parry and Punch.”

Internal Feeling, like “Retreat to Ride the Tiger.”

A Story, like “White Snake Spits Out It's Tongue.”

Humor or Pun, like “Diagonal Flying.” WE don't fly diagonally, the opponent does!

Partial Phrase, like “Embrace the Moon.” Full phrase is Embrace the moon to your heart, which can teach action, height, etc.

Color can indicate an organ, emotion, or direction. For example, Green can indicate, anger, liver, East, shouting, etc. And can help with the both external and internal aspects of the posture.

Animals can also indicate direction, fighting technique, spirit, etc. They can also be mystical, like a dragon, which is more internal, or a tiger, which is external.

Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucionist references find their way into the names, such as “Raise the Curtain” in the sword form which is a Buddhist reference to getting a glimpse of reality.

History, like “Strike Tiger,” from a historical novel, Outlaws of the Marsh, in which one hero, Wu Song hits a Tiger and kills it with his fist.

Hidden meanings to keep the applications and healing from outsiders.

Martial Arts slang, known to those “in the trade.”

Helpful Hints, like “Needle at Sea Bottom” give the exact direction to make that joint-lock work.

There are others, but this gives you more than enough to study.

Book suggestion-How to Grasp the Sparrows Tail if You don't Speak Chinese by Jane Schorre

3. The Application

Tai-Chi's postures comes from many martial arts, most of them cataloged in General Qi Qi Guang's book of 32 Essential Movements. Through the centuries, many postures have been modified to include Taoist Meditation, Qi-Gong, Animal Frolics, and Chinese Medicine. Knowing their applications can help with the general outline of the posture as well as where to put the intent and focus. The applications therefore become the “working definition of each posture.”

A guideline for understanding the applications comes from four Chinese words:


Many of the postures have one of these as the obvious application, and many have all of them. The Two Person San-Shou form teaches applications from the Yang Style Solo Form and has applications from the older Chen Style Tai-Chi.

Book suggestion- The Essence and Applications of Taijiquan by Yang Chengfu

4. The Breath

Master Liang taught that each posture has an exact breath pattern and timing. For example, the posture “Push.” When you separated your hands and shifted back, you inhaled, when you shifted forward and pushed, you exhaled. This is usually for application. You can also reverse that sequence, breathing out at the end of “Push,” and that is for healing.

Also, how you breath can be explored. Mostly we use Natural Breathing, where your abdomen expands on inhalation, and contracts on exhalation. You can also do Reverse Breathing, where your abdomen contracts on inhalation, and expands or releases on exhalation. That is good for low postures, kicks, and slow rounds of the Form, as well as Pushing-Hands.

The highest level of breathing comes from the Tai-Chi Classics. “If you pay full attention to your spirit of vitality and ignore your breathing, your striking force will be as strong as pure steel.” This is what my teacher Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi calls, “don't bother your breathing.”

Book suggestion-Tai-Chi Chuan and Meditation by Da Liu

5. The Left Side

Master Liang emphasized doing the postures right and left, especially those that only have one version done in the solo form. Liang felt that for good health, the body should be developed equally. The Solo Form was choreographed by a right-handed person and you will find most of the squats, kicks, big circles, and difficult movements, etc. are done on the right side.

He also wanted us to practice the weapons in both hands, and to learn both sides of a two person form, especially if it was asymmetrical, like the San-Shou. This will totally inform our bodies and help us balance strength and flexibility in our whole body.

Book suggestion- T'ai-Chi by Cheng Man-ch'ing and Robert W. Smith

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Suggested Reading List for Tai-Chi

"Time is of no account with great thoughts. They are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds, ages ago."
-Samuel Smiles

OK, here goes! I get asked for book recommendations for Tai-Chi, so here is an article and a list. Don't blame me if you go broke, join the club!

Suggested reading list for Tai-Chi and related arts and sciences.

Master Liang always encouraged us to read as much as we practiced. He would caution us that “if you believe entirely in books, better not read books.” He also gave us many guidelines about how to study from books. For instance, he would tell us that if eight out of ten authors say the same thing, then we could pretty much conclude that that was an accurate teaching. If an author said something different from the majority of authors, Master Liang pointed out that it could mean that either that author was at a higher level and had more insight, or was a lower level with lesser insight. We had to discern for ourselves whether to accept that writing or not. I was fortunate to have Master Liang as my sounding board and teacher. When you read books about Tai-Chi, especially if you've been practicing for a while, you will actually experience some physical benefit by reading and letting your imagination stimulate and move your energy, or ch’i.

The bare minimum, and the most quoted and used, of readings that Master Liang suggested were from the Tai-Chi Classics, the Art of War, and the source of these two, the Tao Te Ching. Below is a list of what I consider some essential reading on Tai-Chi and related topics. There are many beginner books on the market as well as personal-story books, but for me, first as a student and now as a teacher, I want books that cover the widest amount of topics or the deepest level of the subject.

Included are some books from other subjects that are related to both Tai-Chi, Taoism, health, martial arts, spirituality, and a short list of books from outside the Chinese culture which I think will greatly enhance your practice. I’ll leave you with Master Liang’s often repeated adage,

 “You should learn from many teachers, read many books. But only by serious practice can you discover the truth for yourself.”


Tai-Chi Chuan for Health and Self-Defense by Master T.T. Liang
Cheng Tzus 13 Treatises on Tai-Chi Chuan Trans by Benjamin Lo
Tai-Chi Touchstones: Yangs Family Secret Transmissions by Douglas Wile
Tai-Chi Chuan and Meditation by Da Liu
Drawing Silk, Master’s Secrets for Successful Tai Chi Practice by Paul Gallagher
Lessons with Master Liang by Ray Hayward
There Are No Secrets by Wolf Lowenthal
The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan by Jou Tsung-Hwa
Yang Cheng Fu the Essence and Applications of Taijiquan trans by Louis Swaim
Taiji Sword and Other Writings by Chen Wei-ming Trans by Barbara Davis
On Tai-Chi Chuan by T.Y .Pang
Practical Use of Tai-Chi Chuan by Yeung (Yang) Sau-Chung
Fundamentals of Tai-Chi Chuan by Wen-shan Huang
How to Grasp the Sparrows Tail if You Don’t Speak Chinese by Jane Shorre
Silk; Meditations on Tai-Chi Postures by Morgan Grace Willow
Tai-Chi: A Simplified Method of Calisthenics for Health and Self-Defense by Cheng Man-ch’ing
Tai-Chi Chuan Its Effects and Practical Applications by Yearning K. Chen
Taijiquan Classics: an annotated translation by Barbara Davis
Questions and Answers on Tai Chi Chuan by Chen Wei-ming Trans by Robert W.Smith and Benjamin Lo
Tai-Chi Weapons by Tseng Ju-pai
The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai-Chi by Peter Wayne
Master Cheng’s New Method of Taichi Ch’uan Self-Cultivation by Cheng Man-ch’ing Trans by Mark Hennessy

Taoism, Qi Gong, Spirituality

Tao Te Ching by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English
Sun Tzu’s Art of War Trans by Samuel Griffith
The Tao of Love and Sex by Jolan Chang
The Way of Qi Gong by Kenneth Cohen
Taoist Mysteries and Magic by John Blofeld
The Importance of Living by Lin Yu-tang
The Art of the Bed Chamber by Douglas Wile
Taoism: The Road to Immortality by John Blofeld
The Jade Mountain by Whitter Bynner
The Illustrated I Ching by R.L. Wing

Related Martial Arts

Hsing Yi Chinese Mind-Body Boxing by Robert W Smith
Mother Fists by Chiang Jung-chiao
Chinese Boxing Masters and Methods by Robert W Smith
Liang Zhen Pu Eight Trigrams Palm by Li Zi Ming
Real Gold Does Not Fear the Fire: the Teachings of Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi by Ray Hayward
The Major Methods of Wudang Sword by Huang Yuan Xiou Trans by Dr Lu Mei-hui
Bong Bu by Paul Eng
Shao-Lin Temple Boxing by Robert W. Smith


Anam Cara by John O’Donoghue
Soul Food by Jack Kornfeld and Christina Feldman
The Druid Way by Philip Carr-Gomm
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees Jane Gifford
Druids, a Beginners Manual by Cairistiona Worthington
The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter
In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky
Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda
The Sufis by Idries Shah

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

October 1st is the official start!

October 1st begins the official start of Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy!!! We have been holding semi-formal classes, private classes, and had a host of visitors already! This is possible with the help of Jane Shockley, Mike Cain, Julie Cisler, Fred Sparks, Diane Cannon, J Richard Roy, Master Paul Gallagher, Grandmaster Wai-Lun Choi, and a whole host of helpers, supporters, and well-wishers. Thank you all!!!!!

Disciple's class.

Flowers from Ming Tao Tai-Chi, and Jane Shockley.

Wu Dang Sword Fencing for the Open House.

Even my Knight's Templar Grandmaster, Timothy Hogan, paid a visit!


Class Block A
6:00-7:30 PM

Pushing Hands


Class Block B


Class Block C
6:00-7:30 PM



Forms Review and Practice


Friday, September 16, 2016

My New Logo and Schedule


Class Block A
6:00-7:30 PM

Pushing Hands

( Note= the BLDG door is locked at 7:00PM on weeknights)


Class Block B


Class Block C
6:00-7:30 PM


(Begins October 1st)

Forms Review and Practice


( Note= the BLDG door is unlocked at 10:00 AM)

Getting ready!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Schedule update

Just a quick note, my Saturday classes will begin in October!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Quick Schedule and Update

 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
2637 27th Ave South
 Suite 207, 2nd floor,
 Ivy Arts BLDG, MPLS.

Group Class Schedule beginning Sept. 19th, 2016


Class Block A
6:00-7:30 PM

(Note= the BLDG door is locked at 7:00PM on weeknights, someone will be posted to let you in)

Pushing Hands


Class Block B


Class Block C
6:00-7:30 PM


Saturday  (Beginning in October)

Forms Review and Practice

(Note= the BLDG door is unlocked at 10:00 AM)


Class descriptions

Tai-Chi classes are for beginners and all Solo Form students. Classes include Taoist Warm-ups, Standing Meditation, Qi-Gong, Single Tai-Chi movement training, and the famous Tai-Chi Solo Form. Theory, principles, training ideas, and much more will be included in these classes. Ideal for new students to get started! Join these on-going classes anytime.

Pushing-Hands class is for those who have finished the Solo Form and want to explore the partner aspects and training of the Tai-Chi system. Yielding, controlling, Long and Short power as well as Basic Drills, Methods, Ta-Lu, and many various training methods will be taught and explored. Completion of Solo Form is the prerequisite.

San-Shou is the Two Person Tai-Chi Form from the Yang Family. This form teaches applications for the Solo Form, Pushing Hands theory and principles, Lines, Sticking, and a whole host of skills. Prerequisite is completion of the Solo Form.

Forms Review and Practice is a time where we will be reviewing and practicing many different Tai-Chi forms and weapons. Come and practice the forms you have learned, left and right sides!! Also a chance to practice and review various two person forms.

Hsing-Yi is an Internal Martial Art based on the Five Elements. This class includes the five fists and their applications, the Five Element Linking Form, Chase Hands, and the Hsing-Yi Kwan Do. Join anytime.

Pa-Kua is an Internal Martial Art based on the 8 Trigrams. Standing Meditation, Circle walking, Two Person Pa-Kua form, Chase Hands, and the Swimming Dragon form are included in this class. Join anytime.

Monthly Tuition:

Any two class blocks = $100
Three class blocks = $125
Four class blocks = $150

Monday, September 5, 2016

Open House and New Schedule

Dear Tai-Chi Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that I am opening my Tai-Chi school this month. I've named it Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy. It is located at 2637 27th Ave, suite 207 on the 2nd floor, in the Ivy Arts BLDG in MPLS.

I will be hosting an Open House Sunday, Sept 18th from 3-5 PM. Come and see the new space, be treated to informal demos, pick up the new schedule, and have a snack and chat about your Summer!

The Fall Schedule begins Monday, Sept 19th with a Tai-Chi class at 6:00PM. If you can't make the Open House, I will e-mail the new schedule. If you are a former student of mine from Twin Cities Tai-Chi Chuan Studio, I am offering the Sept classes at no charge to you.

Thank you for all your support, and wonderful e-mails and messages. I look forward to sharing the amazing art of Tai-Chi with you!


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Duluth, Colorado, Asheville,Chicago, Duluth, or...

How I spent my Summer vacation!

Whew! With resigning from my 22+ year teaching job, to spending lots of weekends in Duluth, to meeting up with Master Choi in Chicago, it has been a crazy Summer!

I drove out to Colorado to spend some time with my teacher and brother, Rob Jones. We went to the Denver Irish Festival, which was huge, and we spent time hiking and practicing martial arts.

A weekend visit to the Monkey King, my friend, teacher, and brother Master Paul Gallagher, was a well needed break from some trying and stressful time this Summer. So many insights and wonderful stories!

As you may or may not know, I left my job at Twin Cities Tai-Chi Chuan Studio. I planned to take a break from teaching, to coordinate with my break at Carleton College, when a beautiful space opened up, and I took it! 2000 square feet of amazing wood floor, high ceilings, and open room, with southern windows, begs for a round or two! I will open for classes September 19th.

Lots of great hikes, walks, meals, and workouts on the North Shore. Watching the sun rise and doing Tai-Chi at Enger Tower was magical. Hiking parts of the Superior Hiking Trail has been a treat, and a great tip about Oberg Mountain was an amazing find.

One of the highlights of this Summer was meeting Master Choi at his home outside of Chicago. Seeing his basement training hall, discussing so many subjects related to health and martial arts, and a buffet that was the biggest, most diverse Asian cuisine, was three and a half hours well spent. Master Choi looked about 50 years old and he had incredible energy! We made tentative plans for a Spring seminar at my new space. I'll keep you posted!!


And the Summer is not over yet!

My new space!

Beginning September 19th, I will be conducting group classes in my new space! Located in the Seward neighborhood, in the Ivy Arts Building, I have a beautiful 2000 square foot Tai-Chi emporium!!!

 I will be holding a grand opening demo and celebration September 18 in the new space. More info about class times and events to follow. Stay tuned!