Sunday, September 3, 2023

MMTCA September Newsletter 2023


 “Green Tea and Taiji!”

-Scott Filipovich

Greetings everyone! What a glorious string of outdoor practice and classes! I’m planning on holding class outside until October. Our schedule and curriculum stay the same for September. I have some exciting new classes and topics for the Fall and Winter. More later.


Also in October, I’ll be Zooming the Thursday hybrid class again and reinstating the monthly check-in. The full schedule and curriculum will be in the October newsletter.


The Monthly Zoom Pushing-Hands class will be Sept. 18th. We’ll continue the Pushing-Hands workout and cover some of the 5 Advanced Drills.


Starting October7th, I’ll be teaching a 6-week beginner Taiji class from 11-12 at St Sahag. If you know of anybody looking to begin, this is the perfect class for them.

We are close to having Taiji music composed by our own Dan Dale! I’ve heard the preliminary track and it sounds amazing! I’ll keep you posted and let you know when it’s available.


We have hoodies available at Zazzle for your Autumn outside practice!


An un-shameless plug for my friend Don Franklin’s YouTube page. Give him a listen, subscribe, and make a request!


September 8th is my 3-year anniversary on Patreon! I’ll be making a special post and highlight some of the upcoming lessons and posts. Thank you to all my Patrons!


Book Suggestion: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene


Paul Brennan Translation: Master Liang’s teacher, Shi Diao Mei on Taiji Sword


-Sifu Ray


“All my life, 

my heart

has yearned for a thing,

I cannot name.”

-Andre Breton



Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








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                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


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Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


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Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128


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