Sunday, January 28, 2018

Burns Night in Duluth 2018

A great celebration of the Bard, my Brother Rabbie Burns, hosted by the Duluth Scottish Heritage Association. A good time was had by all!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Correction to February Newsletter

The dates for Chinese New Year and Master Choi's birthday party is the weekend of March 23rd to the 25th, sorry for the mistake.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

MMTCA February Newsletter 2018

'Go out into the your heart and mind to the mystery, magic and majesty of the natural world.'
- Satish Kumar

Winter is upon us! Snow and weather like we haven't seen for a while. Check your e-mails, the Facebook page, and my blog, for weather related cancellations. If it's bad out, stay home and be safe, class will always be there for you!

Happy Chinese New Year of the Earth Dog on Feb. 16th! We will combine our new year's celebration with Master Choi's birthday on the weekend of March 23rd -25th. More details and a sign will be posted at the academy soon.

Book suggestions: Balance by Carol Svec
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursala K. LeGuin

I have the dates for our official Summer Tai-Chi Retreat in Bayfield Wisc. July 13th-15th. Details, sign up, and shuttle options will be in the next newsletter. Rumor has it Master Choi may join us...

Thank you for all the birthday wishes and gifts. I feel blessed to have you all in my life.


My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

'The calm within the storm is where peace lives and breathes. It is not within perfect circumstances or a charmed life... it is not conditional. Peace is a sacred space within, it is the temple of our internal landscape. We are free to visit it, whenever we seek sanctuary. Underneath the chaos of everyday living, peace is patiently awaiting our discovery... go within.'
- Jaeda DeWalt

Monday, January 22, 2018

No Classes Monday Night January 22nd 2018!

Due to worsening conditions, I am canceling classes tonight. Regular classes resume tomorrow night at 6:60 PM with 12 Animals. Stay home, be warm and safe!


Thursday, January 4, 2018

MMTCA Newsletter January 2018

“I think the greatest generation will be the one that can end war.”
-Gloria Steinam

Happy New Year! I hope 2018 is full of health, hope, prosperity, and light for you and yours.

Thank you to Julie, Fred, and Kurt for giving me a much needed break.

Our new schedule begins January 15th, see the attached schedule. If you have any questions please ask, or just come to a class you are interested in.

Check out our website for videos of the warm-ups, forms, and archives of the Masters. I have many DVDs to upload and share with you.

The Chinese New Year (of the Earth Dog) begins February 16th, 2018. I am planning a new year celebration and demo, combined with a 79th birthday party for Master Choi. It will be in between those days, either March 17th or 24th. I'll keep you posted!!

Thank you for the all generous holidays gifts and remembrances. Let's make 2018 the year of deep relaxation, glowing health, well being, and peace of mind. Are you ready?


My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

“...for the person who is poor, yet spiritually awake, is permanently wealthy.”
-Bernard of Clairvaux