"Each age tends to
create a model of apprenticeship that is suited to the system of production
that prevails at the time."
-Robert Greene
Reading the book Mastery
by Robert Greene I am struck with how perfect was the apprenticeship I
received under Master T.T. Liang. His advice of "learn from many teachers,
read many books but only by constant practice can you discover the truth for
yourself" is a timeless theorem for the path to mastery.
With the advent of the
"information era" and social media, plus access to more information
and knowledge than we could ever process in anyone lifetime, we still must
follow the correct path to mastery which includes an apprenticeship. Here you
must learn as much as you can. When you have some experience and competence,
you become a journeyman or a fellow of the craft, and it is from there that you
graduate to become a master. Modern Freemasonry uses these three steps to
gaining self-knowledge. Ancient chivalric code required you start as a page,
advance to become a squire, and the be acknowledged as a master by becoming a knight.
Even just a few
generations before Master Liang's it was rare for a student to get their hands on
any kind of written materials on T'ai-Chi, Ch'i-Kung, or meditation arts. Not
only did Master Liang study with many teachers, he had an extensive library and
collection of books.
He also took numerous photographs and 8mm movies. Sometimes
he would come to class with a China Airlines satchel which was full of books
and papers and we would begin class with him reading and discussing what we
were going to practice or learn. As a special treat sometimes he would come in
the door with a movie screen and projector under his arms and he would show us
movies of his teachers and give us commentary and descriptions of what we were watching. Indeed
I not only learned how to observe but how to learn from movies and
photographs.YouTube is a great way to see many of the older generation of
Masters in action.
If a picture is worth 1000
words, then a movie is worth 10,000 words, but a feeling is worth 1 million
Not only was I exposed to
many different arts but I was given insight into teaching and learning. I also
watched how Master Liang adapted ancient principles to an ever-changing modern
world without losing the essential and invaluable theories and principles. He introduced exact counts and music to help students with the rhythm and flow of the movements.
classical education does not mean learning old-fashioned methods. It means learning
time-tested lessons and values. Seminars, workshops, weekend retreats etc. are
all part of the learning process. They cannot, however, replace regular
instruction and guidance under a mentor or master who unlocks for you the
secrets of your own learning style. Master Liang's teacher, Prof. Cheng
Man-Ch'ing took four years to shorten the 150 posture long form into a more
easier version for learning, his 37 posture short form masterpiece. Master
Liang saw the professor revise this form 11 times during his own 20 year
association with his teacher.

Our challenge today as
teachers, and students, is to learn how to take what is good and discard what
is bad. To learn by imitation, understand by assimilation, and master by
I would suggest two books;