Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy December Newsletter 2016

December MMTCA Newsletter 2016

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax."
Mark Black

Greetings friends, family, and students of Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy! Classes have solidified, the gorgeous space is working out amazingly well, and I am ready to write!!

A quick update. After resigning from TCTCCS my future was vague and unclear. I knew I still wanted to teach and share Tai-Chi and that I had many people who were eager to continue. At first, I just wanted to sub-let a few nights a week, but then the Academy fell into my lap! I am so glad! Once I had the time and space, my vision for future teaching and sharing became crystal clear. I will be offering many new classes and times starting Jan 1st, 2017!

Besides additional classes, plans for 2017 include an in-house one-day Tai-Chi Retreat, Chinese New Year Demo and Banquet, a seminar with Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi, a 2 day “Tai-Chi North” retreat on the North Shore, hosting a Modern Arnis workshop with Master J. Richard Roy, and a celebration of my 40th year practicing Tai-Chi. In the January Newsletter, I will post dates for most of these events.

I am happy to announce the first Solo Form graduate in our new academy, Stephen Peterson. Our first 1st section grad Di Goodwin, and a group is rounding the corner on the 2nd section as well.

Four long time students passed through a formal ceremony to become 7th generation Disciples and lineage holders:

Karen Barton
Julie Cisler
Dan Polsfuss
Fred Sparks

I am so proud of them! Master Liang's dream of having Tai-Chi be accessible to the world is becoming a reality!

I have been to Western Massachusetts to conduct a weekend seminar and as I write this, I will be traveling to Delaware for another workshop spreading Master Liang's teachings and system.

A new website is in the works, but for now, check my blog for articles and updates. The new schedule for next year will be sent out shortly.

Let me clear up any questions about tuition. My idea about class blocks was confusing. Here is the simple breakdown beginning Jan 1st:

6 classes a week, 100.00 a month
8 classes a week, 125.00 a month
10 or more classes a week, 150.00 a month

Private classes sliding scale 75.00-125.00 an hour

Any questions, concerns, or hardships, please talk to me.

Thank you to all who have helped me in ways big and small to make our school so vibrant and successful in such a short time. Each and every one of you is dear to my heart. I enjoy being on our beautiful floor together making “moving art” with you. Thank you!!

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”—Lao Tzu

Wishing you the best of this holiday season,




My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (

Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

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