Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Poem

I tied for first with this poem...

Dr. Seuss and the Wild Bee
Imbolc 2011

My old musty book about long, long ago,
Opened my mind about some things I know.
About Druids and Wizards, and Sages long dead,
Then a wild bee came buzzing and circling my head.

“You’re looking for something,
Your heart’s not at peace,
Your mind is in trouble,
Your worries won’t cease.”

So I asked the wild bee what all Druids knew.
She said “opposites are three, not merely two.
Three contains magic and wisdom and light,
Seen from the middle, both sides can be right!”

“The Druids knew pleasure, and peace, and knew calm.
Their knowledge brought healing, their wisdom, like balm.
Their seeing was clear and so full, full of love,
And sun and the moon gave them peace from above.”

But what of the Druids and what did they know?
And what did they do and where did they go?
The bee gave a smile and said “Listen to me,
And I will give answers to your questions three.”

“Druids knew cycles and seasons and change,
And when to step back and let Gods rearrange.
And when to be quiet, and passive, and still,
And how to enjoy, and of life, drink their fill.

The Bards wrote their poems, sang songs, and brought art.
The Ovates went inward for healing to start.
The Druids gave teachings and guidance and rite,
And all shared their blessings by day and by night.”

Now where are the Druids, and where did they go?
“They’re here with us now and this you should know.
For all are a Druid who love, live, and learn,
For a life lived in nature, for peace they do yearn.

“Now leave this wild bee alone for a while,”
And she buzzed away fast, with a mischievous smile.
So I put back my book on the library shelf,
And sat down with a Druid who was simply…