"Tai-Chi is the whole world's exercise."
-Master T.T. Liang
As my 40th anniversary was approaching, I took a long, hard look at what I can do to make Tai-Chi more accessible and convenient to my students. With over 35 years as a full time instructor, I have a lot of experience teaching many kinds of students, from martial artists to health enthusiasts to people looking for stress relief. With all the demands made upon us everyday, not only in time and energy, but in focus, care, and emotional investment, I feel the need to not add to all that stress. I am looking at making the whole system, not just the solo form, more easily learned, practiced, understood, and enjoyed. That is why I'm reworking the sequence of not only the solo form, but of the entire learning curriculum itself.
“I decided to
eliminate the repetitions and drastically reduce he number of
- Prof. Cheng Man-ch'ing
“Gradually you
must develop your own solo form according to your intent and
personality. After you learn
something, you must gradually change it to your own way. Blind
followers are dead: they do not do their own style. Rebels can get
-Master T.T. Liang
“In later years
Yang Shao-hou began to change his form; a high frame with lively
-from Mastering
Yang Style Taijiquan
I also followed the Taoist Alchemical formula to arrange the movements. The 72 Movement Medium Form has 46 of the original 50 individual postures of the 150 posture long form and closely follows the original composition and sequence. I just took out many repetitions and deleted a few movements that are not needed. This will make the time for learning, and practice, much more accessible to the busy schedule of most of us.
“The oldest form
taught in the Beijing class was the 73-posture form that, according
to Xu (Yu-Sheng), Yang Chien-hou had been teaching.”
-Bradford Tyrey
Learning Master Wai-lun Choi's Tai-Chi Form, which he shortened and condensed, helped me a lot. Choi's form has three "Cloud Hands." When I told him my long form has fifteen, Choi said, "Why stop at fifteen, do fifty!" Master Choi explained that if you want more repetition, you can do that in single movement training. Master Paul Gallagher and I also had many conversations about how and why he made the Wu-Ming Short Form to help with shortening the time it took to learn Tai-Chi and get the benefits.
“ Chang (
Ch'ing-ling ) stayed with this man a while and derived a new method
of doing the postures.”
- from Chinese
Boxing Masters and Methods
I have also been learning and applying the Choi Method of Internal Martial Arts training for over 23 years. I have completely switched my Hsing-Yi and Pa-Kua to the Choi Method. I've had great results not only for myself, but for my teaching and and for my students. I am confident to embrace Master Choi's method and use it to update my Tai-Chi system. Master Choi's system is not only completely compatible with what I learned from Master T.T. Liang, it also conforms with the Tai-Chi Classics and makes them even more understandable and applicable. And accessible!
“I learned from 15
teachers.the best of them all, in my opinion, was Prof. Cheng
Man-ch'ing. I have, to the most extent, adopted his method of
performing the Tai-Chi Chuan exercise.”
-Master T.T. Liang
1. Beginning
2. Ward-Off, Left
3. Ward-Off, Right
4. Roll-Away
5. Press
6. Push
7. Single Whip
8. Lift Hands
9. Shoulder
10. White Crane
11. Brush Left Knee
12. Play Guitar
13. Brush Left Knee
14. Chop With Fist
15. Parry and Punch
16. Withdraw and
17. Cross Hands
In another blog I will explain the "How" of the changes and what actually constitutes the Choi Method. Some changes in names and other aspects will be also explained. I will flesh out the improvements and give an outline of the Tai-Chi system. I will also offer up a few practice routines with various time limits and ideas. Stayed tuned!
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