Friday, December 1, 2017

MMTCA Newsletter December 2017

"How we spend our days is, of course,  how we spend our lives."
-Annie Dillard

The longest nights and shortest days are upon us, a great opportunity for reflection and inward journeying. So, more books, candles, meditation, and Tai-Chi!

We will be closed December 25th and January 1st. There will be open practices between Christmas and New Year. They are:

Tuesday Dec.26=6:30-8:00
Wednesday Dec. 27=12:30-2:00 and 6:00-7:30
Thursday Dec. 28 =6:00-7:30
Saturday Dec.30 = 10:00-12:00

Book Suggestion: The Way of the Templar by Timothy W. Hogan

The updates to our new 72 movement Tai-Chi Form are coming along nicely. We even have few who are about to graduate!! I will be instituting the Choi Method changes beginning in January. My next two blogs will cover some of that material.

As the year ends, I like to reflect on the life and energy of our academy. I am excited to see you all progressing in your relaxation, calm, and self-awareness. It is fun to see all the great balance, smiles, and hard work going on in class. To be able to share multiple arts and styles is a really fun aspect of my job!Seeing 8-10 people wielding Double Sabers is quite thrilling, and scary! Having Master Choi come out of retirement and teach us is also a great opportunity for us all. He wants me to update and republish my book, Real Gold. An opportunity to get even deeper into the art and science of Master Choi's teachings. Thank you all for your enthusiasm, support, and dedication. Keep calm, relax on, and Tai-Gong!!!

Happiest of Holidays!


 "We need to make our classes, workshops, and seminars, islands of decency."
-Martha Eddy

My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy

As much as we need a prosperous economy, we also need a prosperity of kindness and decency. Caroline Kennedy
Read more at:

1 comment:

  1. i have heard about the choi style of martial arts but i have no idea what it entails i have started taking up martial arts classes maybe its time i showed up for choi classes hoping to see you in the classes to ray
