Monday, October 1, 2018

MMTCA Newsletter October 2018

“Spiritual practices help us move from identifying with the ego to identifying with the soul. Old age does that for you too. It spiritualizes people naturally. Then for those who don’t get it, death does it for them.”
-Ram Dass

Happy Fall!!! I love this time of year and am always surprised by the weather. I still get some outside practices when I can.

Our schedule remains the same now until mid-January. Let me know if you have any class requests.

My newest book, A.T.C. Pierson, Father of Minnesota Freemasonry, is now available on my Lulu page. I had lots of help, including photography help from David Brewster, and the lion's share was done by Julie Cisler and Sharon Nyberg, my experts!!

I have two items to inform you about tuition. One is that my bank only accepts checks made out to Ray Hayward Enterprises. They will not let me deposit those made out to the Academy. Also, my rent is on a monthly basis. Please consider that when you pay for a partial month or only attend a half month.

Book suggestion- Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis

Thank you to all my substitute teachers who make it possible for me to travel and spread the Tai-Chi message of Relax and Sink!

“In the quest of truth- seek truth, but remember that behind all the new knowledge the fundamental issues of life will remain veiled!”
-from the Temple of Music,
Tyringham Hall

My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
My books:

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