Sunday, November 7, 2021

MMTCA November Newsletter 2021


“I’m a believer in the power of knowledge and the ferocity of beauty, so from my point of view, your life is already artful-waiting, just waiting for you to make it art.”

-Toni Morrison

November is here and we are fully indoors with our classes and practices. I don’t know what will happen with the next season of CoViD19, but if it doesn’t get bad again, I’m going to continue in-person classes.

Speaking of classes, my schedule for the foreseeable future is the following:

Tuesday 6-8Pm at St Sahag

Wednesday 630-715PM on Zoom (email for an invite if you haven’t been attending regular class or outside practices)

Friday 6-730PM at Christ Church

Saturday 9-10AM at St Sahag

I am also posting lessons on my Patreon and YouTube pages.

No Classes Friday Nov 26th, but there will be class Saturday Nov 27th.

If you find yourself locked out call either me 218-341-9894, Fred 651-210-5401, or Julie 612-876-7915 and we’ll let you in.


My trip to Delaware for the month of October was full of Tai-Chi, friends, hospitality, and some serious classes and events. Not to mention some great food! I taught at both Bryan Davis’ Twin Willows Tai-Chi Studio and Diane Cannon’s Ming Tao Tai-Chi Studio, both in Newark. In addition to seminars, classes, and private classes, I witnessed two disciple ceremonies conducted by Diane, and renewed Bryan’s discipleship in the full traditional ceremony. I also filmed more for my Patreon and YouTube pages and got to visit with my oldest son, Alex.

It was my honor and privilege to stand as witness for the initiation of the first disciples into the 8th generation of our lineage. Simu Diane Cannon, 7th generation disciple and lineage holder, initiated Christopher Venaccio and Will Allen in separate ceremonies. In addition to the kow-tows, incense, and witness, the initiates also performed a traditional tea ceremony marking the entrance into our Tai-Chi family. I was asked to give an introductory talk about the history and tradition of the ceremony, and we enjoyed feasts and fellowship after both ceremonies. I was deeply moved and could see the sincerity and appreciation of all who attended.

I also renewed Bryan Davis’ discipleship with the traditional ceremony. Bryan was one the earliest “bestowed” disciples and he asked for the traditional initiation. I performed the ceremony and his daughter Rose stood in as the witness.

There will be one more disciple ceremony this year during this month. I will give you a full report in the December newsletter. Congratulations all disciples new and veterans!

Book suggestion= 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung-fu by Leung Ting


Thank you to Fred, Karen, and Dan who hosted pushing-hands practices at their homes during October. I bow to the ground to you three.

Thank you again for all your patience, support, and appreciation. I have more plans for 2022 and hope we can get back to more regular training and practicing. I am already working on a Chinese New Year Demo and Banquet and will give you more details after New Year.

A bow from the waist,


A message from Simu Diane Cannon-

Reflections on Discipleship Ceremonies October 16-17, 2021

On October 16 & 17, 2021, I had the honor to welcome into our Yang Family Lineage two very dedicated T’ai Chi students, Christopher Venaccio and William Allen VI! It was a very exciting and emotional day, as the realization of the magnitude of commitment I was making to these fine men became very real. The decision to bring them into my family, for life… is truly a promise and a bond that exceeds any bloodlines or contracts I have made in the past. I felt very honored and humbled to realize that they too were all in - ready to make that commitment to me and my family and this profound Art and Lineage we all share.

I began the ceremony with a brief welcome and explanation of the day, then introduced Sifu who we were so blessed to have with us! Sifu gave a wonderful talk on the history of discipleship, I shared some thoughts and feelings as to what was about to take place and then we began the Kow Tows, followed by a beautifully executed traditional tea ceremony, offering of incense to the altar, signing of the discipleship certificate, exchange of gifts, congratulations and thank yous! It was truly a special moment in time….you could feel the presence of the Masters before us, the sincerity in the room, the level of trust we share, and the seriousness of what just took place! Families United! The 8th Generation of Lineage Holders has now begun - what an historic event!

The love and excitement in the room was tremendous! We were all ready to celebrate the day, the new life we are embarking on with one another, the idea that now the best is yet to come! We shared fantastic meals and drinks with celebratory smiles, laughter, and joy! I am beyond grateful to have these two men in my life, my family, and the lineage. It is a day that will resonate with me forever, inspire me to become a better teacher, student, and friend.


Black clouds,

Fallen blossom and pale moon,

The hurried flight of birds,

The arrival of lonely autumn,

The time for us to part.

Much has been said, yet

We have not come to the end of our feeling.

I leave you this poem

Read it where the silence of the world possesses you,

Or when you’re fretted with disquiet,

Long must be this parting, and.


That all my thoughts have always been of you.”

-Translated by Bruce Lee


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