Wednesday, August 2, 2023

MMTCA August Newsletter 2023


"New friends are silver, old friends are gold."
                               (Master Liang recited this quote many times!)

 “You don’t have to stretch all the body parts, just the ones you want to keep!”

-Sifu J. Richard Roy


Greetings and salutations! August is upon us, and you know what that means, the State Fair and the Renaissance Festival to name two!  Get out there and enjoy!


Two schedule changes for August. No hybrid zoom for Thursdays. We’ll resume in September. Also, beginning August 10th, we’ll move the Thursday and Saturday classes to Bohemian Flats Park.


In the Fall I’ll be offering a beginner Taiji class to St Sahag members and the public. I’ll have more details for you next month. If you know of someone looking to start classes with us, let them know or give them my contact info.


Book suggestion= The Book of Gates by Josephine McCarthy


Paul Brennen translation=


It is so good to share Taiji and other arts with you. In-person classes, hybrid classes, zoom, YouTube, my blog, and Patreon all help me with my work.

A bow from the waist,

-Sifu Ray


“Train your essence and transform it into energy. Train your energy and transform it into spirit. Train your spirit and return to emptiness. Then by way of emptiness, achieve the Way.”

-Ancient Taoist teaching


Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894





my Patreon page=

YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher




facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


my books at Lulu=


my books on Amazon=


Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


School shirts-


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128


#rayhayward#taiji#taichichuan#pakua#hsingyi#sword#qigong#yichuan#wudangsword#chinna#standingmeditation#taoistmeditation#taoistlove#semenretention#masterttliang#wailunchoi#mindfulmotiontaichiacademy#rayhaywardtheinspiredteacher#inspiredteacher#rayhaywardblog#sanshou#prayingmantis#karambit# #pushinghands#fajing#imsak#rosslynchapel#druidry #lulubooksrayhaywardauthor #patreonrayhaywardtheinspiredteacher






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