Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Two New Books

"The latest book by my big brother, John Myerson, reflects on decades of Zen practices and training, John also writes about martial arts, acupuncture, and shamanic healing, all done at the highest levels. I had known about John's journey and practices, but this new book really took me deeper into just how life changing and life defining they were, and are, for him. As a reader, we can follow John (At a safe distance!) into the lessons and insights from a life of practice and exploration."
-Ray Hayward

"First of all I want to be clear that I have never done a book review prior to this, and my reading of Sifu Hayward's book came with no prior expectations. As I began reading I was immediately taken by the number of students and friends who had been fortunate enough to find Ray and be impacted by his teachings and his deep, calm, positive spirit. This is definitely a book paying homage, showing both love and respect for what Ray has given of himself to so many over the past 40 plus years. There are pearls of wisdom throughout the many short compositions written by his students that tell the story of what Ray has given. The last quarter of the book gave a nice surprise "taste" of Sifu's upcoming book on push hands which I am looking forward to reading soon!"

    Steve Wyle

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