Sunday, March 31, 2019

MMTCA Newsletter April 2019

"Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve. That is the Supreme Secret."
-Napoleon Hill

Spring is here, no fooling!

Thank you to all who shared in the birthday celebrations for Master Choi! Cards, red envelopes, and flowers descended upon him March 29th.

The Tuesday Night 12 Animals/ Five Elements class will begin the 11th animal, the Eagle, and the 5th Element, Metal/Splitting-Fist. Even if you haven't learned the previous elements or animals, you can step in and join this class. Two-Handed Sabre is also being taught in this class.

I am now teaching classes in Duluth and have a space that will wok for weekend classes, seminars, or workshops. I'd like to have you come up this Summer for Tai-Chi, Lake Superior, and amazing air and ch'i! I'll send the link in next month's newsletter, with more details and ideas.

It's not too early to plan to come to the Delaware Shore, on Rehoboth Beach, in October and join me for a weekend retreat with Diane Cannon's Ming Tao Tai-Chi school. I'll be posting more details, curriculum, dates, costs, and sign up details next month.

Book suggestion: Our Life With Mr. Gurdjieff by Olivia DeHartmann

I am in the process of looking for a different space to teach at in the Cities. Although our current space is big and beautiful, I am looking for a slightly smaller place that we can use on a rent as needed basis. I have two in mind and will keep you posted. I am also going to hold Tuesday night classes outside again this year. I am thinking of going back to East River Flats Park. I would entertain other suggestions as well.

Thank you all for amazing classes. I am enjoying all the variety of forms, practices, and subjects we've been covering in class. And it's good to see you all having fun as you learn with your body, mind, and spirits.


 "Druidry is a spiritual journey of the individual's soul, one that honours each unique vision and expression."
- Emma Restall Orr

My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
My books:

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