Thursday, August 13, 2020

Mid-month Check-in, August 2020

 "People are thrifty in guarding their private property, but as soon as it comes to wasting time, they are most extravagant with the one commodity for which it's respectable to be greedy."


I hope this check-in finds you and yours health, safe, and fed. We now have practices at East River Flats Park:

 Friday night -6-7:30

Saturday -9-11:30

And Mondays- 11:30-1:00 at Thomas Lowry Park with Julie Cisler

Come and practice outside, keeping socially apart and masking up at your discretion, and do Tai-Chi together by the river!

Check out the guest blog by Master Paul Gallagher, on studying with Master B.P. Chan. Master Chan was my first Hsing-Yi and Pa-Kua teacher.

I'm launching my Patreon page Sept 9th, that's only 28 days away!! To kick off my launch, I plan on having the 2nd edition of my book, Real Gold Does Not Fear The Fire, the Teachings of Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi, available for purchase. I'm also re-releasing the book I wrote with the late Grandmaster Gin Foon Mark about his style of kung-fu, Kwongsai Jook Lum Southern Praying Mantis. More later!

Speaking of books, check out my authors page on Amazon

Thank you Matt Barrett for all your help!

I'm making a new t-shirt and will take orders soon. In the Sept newsletter I'll unveil the new look and take orders. Stay tuned. I'm looking into hoodies and sweatshirts next.

Book suggestion= Art of Living by Epictetus,trans by Sharon Lebell  ( thank you Mark!)

FYI I have a new phone number, and a smart phone! 1-218-341-9894

Thank you all so much for your continued support. Your tuition and gifts are supporting me and my life. I will have lessons for you on my upcoming youtube page, and Julie will continue to send out newsletters, videos, and notices. I am adapting to new ways to teach and share. Some day we will get back to studying and practicing together, when it's safe. Feeling huge gratitude attitude towards my patrons!

In my vocation and role as a Sifu and teacher, I am called upon to not only teach, but give advise and guidance. I saw Master Liang listening, advising, counseling, and guiding students before and after class. I knew that was part of it, and as soon as I started teaching, I was also called upon to guide, help when I could, sometimes just listen, and to silently help bear burdens.  Well, I'm still in that role and with CoViD19, I'm hearing some sad stories. 

People are losing their jobs, some their sobriety, and some are losing their houses and homes. Families are under great stress, problems are multiplying, and the country and world are bearing huge loads of stress, worry, and tension. There is nothing I can do except this, ask you to be a little more patient with those around you. We don't know what burdens people are going through, and maybe their anger, bad manners, or temper is not really about you. 

I ask you to be more patient with yourself.  You really don't know what levels of stress, worry, fear, tension, and anger you are carrying, or working through.These are extraordinary times and we need extraordinary internal power to remain calm, patient, and centered. If you need to talk, or to be heard, or are feeling alone, I am here for you. Never forget that!

With every good wish for you and yours,


"What you aim at determines what you see."

-Jordan Peterson

1 comment:

  1. Great opening photo do we know who this is? Anything about the photo? ( at one level it speaks for itself but history is also interesting)
