"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
-Victor Frankl
Happy October! The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing, and the air is cooler. Get out and take a bunch of walks and embrace change! It's a good time to start scoping out your indoor practice space. Weapons are always a challenge, and now without the physical academy, we need to be creative with our home practice. I have a few video lessons coming on training inside, which will be on Youtube and Julie will also send them to you by email.
The "Double Nine" was a huge success! I now have my online teaching up and running. I want to thank David Brewster for making the intro movie for our Academy, and Dan Polsfuss for making the intro movie for my Patreon page. Thank you Sirs!
I'm excited to have my next guest blogger, Rondi Atkin, give us some insights into her Taiji training and teaching in Chicago. Her teacher, Elizabeth Wenscott, learned from one of Master Liang's classmates and practice partners, Master Hsu Fun-yuen.
A huge thank you to Julie Cisler, who worked for days on end to get two of my books ready for publication. (I'm putting her to work on our new t-shirts next!) A huge thank you to Sharon Nyberg for her excellent editing. Thank you to John Stitely, Jeannie Li, David Choi, Matt Barrett, Rick Moekel, and Grandmaster Choi for all their help with my books!
Speaking of books, you can find Real Gold on Lulu, and Jook Lum Southern Praying Mantis on Amazon. Please write a review for any and all of my books you have purchased. Thank you so much!
Book Suggestion= Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions by John Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes
Our very own Margo Bock has put up a Youtube channel where she shows how to draw various animals from Taiji and Chinese culture. Margo gives ideas on how to draw the animals while telling great stories about them. Although it's geared for children and new artists, I found it so relaxing and welcoming, while being educated and entertained. Check it out! Margo Zi Yan Youtube Channel:
Thank you for all your support in the form of tuition and my Patreon page. I am feeling very appreciated and cared for, THANK YOU! Covid19 will end and we will go back to classes and pushing-hands and socializing. For now, stay safe, practice at home as much as you can, and look to the cyber academy for more lessons and information.
"The Toltec is wise, they are an illuminary, a torch, a great smokeless torch. They imprint wisdom on other people's faces. They help people take heart. They never miss anything. They stop, observe, and reflect."
my phone (new) = 12183419894
address= 1721 Jefferson St, Duluth, MN 55812
email= skrayhayward@gmail.com
blog= rayhayward.com
website= mindfulmotiontaichi.com
facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
Ray Hayward Enterprises
Youtube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher
Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
my books on Lulu= lulu.com/spotlight/Ray_Hayward
my books on Amazon= amazon.com/author/rayhayward
my Patreon page= patreon.com/rayhayward
Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking
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