Friday, July 29, 2022

MMTCA August Newsletter 2022


Rainbow over Bailey Colorado 2022


“It takes real courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

- e e cummings

I’m writing this newsletter from Colorado, in the mountains! I’ll be here for a few weeks and will be back August 17th or so. I know you are careful, so I remind you to take care in the heat as you practice outside.

We are having a day long retreat at Karen and Ryan’s home in Ramsey on August 21st. We’ll gather at 830AM and at 900AM and will begin our group practices and lessons. I’m planning on teaching the Hsing-Yi two-handed saber, a simple but effective and fun weapon. (I’ll send you home with a practice video) Bring a bokken, or saber, or a cane or stick. We’ll have a potluck lunch at 100PM, and depart at 300PM after our afternoon session. Your asking for the address is your RSVP, so email me if you are planning on going. I’ve reserved our spot for next year’s retreat at Wild Rice Retreat center and this retreat will prime our Tai-Chi seminar and retreat pumps!

I had the pleasure and honor of initiating Daniel Dale into the 7th generation Yang Style Lineage on July 2nd. Dan is now my disciple and a valuable addition to our lineage and school. Congratulations!

While in Colorado, I’ve been visiting my dear, old friend, Master Ken Cohen. I’ve got photos, videos, and a podcast to share Ken’s amazing story and wisdom with you all.

Speaking of podcasts, here is my latest. Please leave a comment, subscribe, like, and share it! And click the bell to be notified about my posts!


In addition to my regular Wednesday night zoom solo form classes, I’m going to be adding a partner zoom class. You will need a partner for these lessons on pushing-hands, sensitivity, and many other special and unique Tai-Chi partner practices. Let me know if you have a partner or would like me to find you one.

Book suggestion = How To Grasp the Sparrows Tail if Don’t Know How to Speak Chinese by Jane Schorre


I really want to thank you for your support, care, concern, and dedication through these strange and trying times. Knowing you are practicing, keeping in good spirits, getting many benefits from your practice and my classes, all makes me feel hopeful and good about the future. I cherish our time together, whether it’s in person or online. I have plans to expand my teaching and classes as well as teach retreats and workshops.

Not that we needed a pandemic to show us how valuable Tai-Chi and meditation can be, but hearing your comments and experiences, I’m even more determined to keep spreading the lessons of relaxation, well-being, empowerment, and health.

I bow to the ground to you,

Sifu Ray


“There are three people who are your friend:

Your friend,

The friend of a friend,

And the enemy of an enemy.”

-Imam Ali


Contact Info:

Contact info

my phone- 1-218-341-9894








facebook= Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


                Ray Hayward Enterprises


YouTube= Ray Hayward, the Inspired Teacher


                 Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy


Twitter- Ray Hayward 1988


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Instagram= Ray Hayward, or, ataoistsufitemplardruidviking


Business address,

P. O. Box 28295

Oakdale, MN 55128


















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