Thursday, July 27, 2017

MMTCA August Newsletter 2017

“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.”
-Nancy Levin

The heat is waning and we keep on training! Thank you Sharon and Fred for the loan of the fans.

Our schedule remain the same until Sept. 15th, when we will unveil our new Fall schedule. For August, there will be no Hsing-Yi classes on August 23rd and 30th

If you've noticed a lot of extra activity in our space, that is because a theater troop is rehearsing for the Fringe. Look for the play “Plan B.”

Book suggestion- (back by popular demand) The Joy Of Less by Francine Jay

I have some exciting changes to the solo form, and am working to make Tai-Chi even more accessible. I am also working with Master Choi and will be sharing the “Choi Method” in class as well. Plus, I am am making preparations for another in-house retreat for the Fall, stay tuned.

As we close in on the first year anniversary of the Academy, I want to thank you all for your support, enthusiasm, appreciation, and study. You rock, you just rock slowly!


“Love people and use things. The opposite doesn't seem to be working.”
-Joshua Fields Millburn

My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy