Sunday, July 28, 2019

MMTCA Newsletter August 2019

MMTCA Newsletter August 2019

"Inner Power of steely strength.

Form perfected by a thousand years.

Okinawa’s heritage.

Seeking only to protect.

Man’s self respect."

-Grandmaster Meitoku Yagi

August is upon us! I know there have been some brutally hot days, but we have also had some lovely, cool and breezy classes in the park. I will be going to Colorado the first week of August. Classes will be held as usual. You can bring your tuition to the park and give it to either Julie, Fred, or Margo, or put it in the payment box at the academy. I am looking into direct-deposit as an option beginning in the Fall.

I now have some free times for private classes at the Academy. E-mail me for availability and cost.

Book suggestion: The Genuine Transmission of Bagua Quan  by Sun Xikun

There is still space for my retreat in Delaware on the beach this Fall! E-mail Sifu Diane Cannon for more details

Master Ray Retreat in Milford De
350 Bay Avenue, Slaughter Beach 19963- Beach Retreat House
October 4 - October 10, 2019


If you have bought any of my books from Lulu, please consider writing a review. Thank you!

Our Fall schedule will begin mid-September. I'll give you updates soon. If you have class suggestions, forms or training you'd like to see in the schedule, or just to ask about possibilities please don't hesitate to talk to me!

Enjoy the heat!


"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."
-Marianne Williamson

contact info 612-404-7320
My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
My books:

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