Monday, September 2, 2019

MMTCA September Newsletter 2019

"Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays."
-Robin Hobb

As the Summer ends, 2nd Summer looms, and Fall is whispering to us all, I'm grateful for all the outside practices and classes this year. I'm also feeling a gratitude attitude to my subs and helpers, for giving time to vacation and rest. Thank you Julie, Fred, Margo, and all the other helpers. Namaste.

Our Fall schedule starts Monday,September 16th. Also, the 14th will be our last outdoor classes for this year. Here is some of what you can expect from the upcoming schedule:

*Tai-Chi Classes will continue to teach the 72 Movement Solo Form, and we  will begin section 3 of the Fast Form. For Qi-Gong, I will be teaching Master Choi's 8 Brocades.( I'm planning on adding an applications class for the Winter. Thoughts?)

*Weapons class on Saturdays will start the Tai-Chi Sabre. I will also teach something I've never taught before, the matching empty hand Bridge-Hands that correspond to the postures and techniques in the Saber Form. Whether you have completed the solo form or not, you may join this class on the 21st.

*12 Animals and Hsing-Yi will be reviewing the Dragon, Lun, and Pang for Animals. We will continue to refine the 5 Elements Linking From, learn applications for the Two-Handed Saber, and review the basic Five Fists. You can join this class on the 17th.

*Pa-Kua will be refining the Swimming Dragon, learn the Deer Horn Knives, and continuing two person work.

*Pushing-Hands on Wednesday nights will be open to all: men, women, beginner, and advanced.

Please check the full schedule for all details about class times and days.

Book Suggestion-My five favorite Taoist books!

1. Taoism: Road to Immortality by John Blofeld
2. Taoist Mysteries and Magic by John Blofeld
3. The Importance of Living by Lin Yu-tang
4. Tai-Chi Ch'uan and Meditation by Da Liu
 5. Drawing Silk by Paul B. Gallagher

Thank you for a great Summer, I look forward to a Fall full of relaxation, calm, and peace.

"To my body I gave the power of my heart. Be, I said, love and create. Beat within. Be gentle. Radiate like sun."
From Awakening Osiris by
Normandy Ellis

contact info 612-404-7320
My Blog: The Inspired Teacher (
Facebook: Ray Hayward, Ray Hayward Enterprises, Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy
My books:

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